Tachograph Driving Hours & Penalties
This course will develop knowledge and help understand driving hours, working time directive and tachograph rules. Gaining full appreciation of proper use of tachograph equipment whilst understanding professional driver issues such as hazard perception and speed awareness.
Defensive Driving, Accident Procedures and First Aid
This course will develop an understanding of drivers’ obligations at a reportable accident, along with giving an awareness of what actions to take in an emergency situation and a basic understanding of first aid.
Drivers Walk-round Safety Checks and Safe Loading of Vehicles
This course will give drivers detailed knowledge of their legal obligations regarding daily safety checks and vehicle load security.
Vulnerable Road Users and Road Safety
The aim of this course is to increase drivers’ knowledge of vulnerable road users, hazards including mobile phones, speed limits, drink and drug driving plus staying legal whilst driving on the road.
Emergency First Aid at Work
The aim of this course is to increase drivers’ knowledge of what actions to carry out in an emergency medical situation.